Ruby Progress

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Unfortunately, I had a bit of a hard drive explosion that took out a bunch of my YouTube recordings from working on this, so I thought I would share how she is coming and I will have to redo the recordings at a later date and rebuild her.

This works out better though because I was going to make her very beginner-friendly for the YouTube tutorials. Now I’ll just go all out with controls and things I think.

You can see in the video there are a few pegs not positioned properly yet and a couple of things I need to fine-tune or fix. So that is the next stage…I go through it with a fine tooth comb, check naming conventions, peg positions, functionality, and handles etc, and see if there are things I want to cut. Once she is looking good I will get her other half copied over.

I’m still on the fence if I put the arms and legs in groups because then all the nodes can be named the same and you can copy and paste special animation from one limb to the other. However, it is very handy to have an open and spread-out rig.

Let me know what you guys think. Do you prefer open or grouped rigs?