Create Backdrop: F12
Mark Current Frame: F12
Pencil Tool: W
Pencil Editor: Alt + W
Show Current Deformer: Ctrl + Shift + D
Merge Pencil Lines: Alt + W
Up Peg Chain: B
Down Peg Chain: Shift + B
Frame Forward: >
Frame Backward: <
Delete Drawing Substitution: Ctrl + Del
Cable Cutter: Shift + C
Paint: Q
Colour Art From Line Art: *
Select Tool: Alt + S
Enable Node: A
Disable Node: D
Transform: Shift + T
Stroke: Alt + V
Insert Display Node: Ctrl + Y
Insert Composite: Ctrl + H (if you have multiple items selected it will connect all of them to the comp)
Insert Peg: Ctrl + P (if you have multiple drawings selected it will add one peg to all of them. Shift + Ctrl + P will add a peg to each selected drawing)
Insert Drawing: Ctrl + D
Rename Drawing: Ctrl + R